Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nature and Beauty Whisper to us- Is there something More?

The blackness of the night with His stars streaming their light so perfectly-- they call my name.  The green grass so soft and simple with the sun warming the inside of my soul – it reaches in the depths of me and stirs my heart.  The blue sky, a sunset, walking barefoot through the soft grass, smelling flowers, hearing the birds singing their song, feeling the warm breeze, smelling the summer rain, stepping into a trickling creek, experiencing touching moments of beauty and simplicity, hugging your children, your parents, innocent laughter with family and friends, quiet moments for the heart to listen and speak,…All these are beautiful and we feel a certain peacefulness it brings us.
Our soul calls for beauty…it longs for it. We were made for it.  When we see these gifts of beauty--a sunset, a baby being born, the first day of spring—we feel our hearts stir.  They touch us deeply in a way we can’t explain.  Why do we feel so alive and our hearts more at peace when we experience these things?  Why do the eyes of our hearts and soul begin to open a little wider like something exciting is about to happen?…
 Because these gifts of beauty are only a reflection of the one who is truly, perfectly beautiful and that is Jesus.  That is Jesus.  And Our hearts were always made for Him, only for Him.
How beautiful.

                                                          -My Heart

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