Monday, June 6, 2011

Prayer (rosary)

I found this article on another website, ( )  but I thought it did a good job explaining the importance of prayer. Sometimes we forget to pray. We forget how important it is, especially within our families.  Prayer is a way to communicate with God and if we do not communicate with Him, then how will our relationship grow? How will we know our heavenly Father? How will we be protected from evils and temptations of this world?  For me I find it hard to pray when everything is going good, but when hard times roll around I start to pray more. This is not good, and it is something I need to work on.  I'm sure we all get stuck in this situation sometimes. Here is part of the article:

"It is always good to remember that the desire to pray is in itself a prayer. Then, making the effort to pray five decades of the Rosary is better than not trying at all. Praying the Rosary amid distractions is better than not praying at all. Using a tape to pray along in the recitation is an immense help. Use the tape in the car, while out for a walk or a run, while cleaning - it is a great help to accustom a person to the prayers of the Rosary. Pray the Rosary alone or with others, and use artwork depicting the mysteries - images train the mind to meditate - one is thereby able to focus upon the mystery, upon the person. Don't worry so much about distractions or temptations during prayer - be humble about them - let them come and go while you continue to breathe the prayer - in the Spirit. If you can only pray one decade - it's a good start - in fact you can pray one decade in the morning, another at lunch, another on the way home from work - after which you will only have two left. Eventually you figure out how to pray the Rosary every day.

And when you begin to pray - to really pray - prepare yourself for trials. Whenever you embark upon anything good in the spiritual life, the combat begins. Sometimes that can be a sign to "do even more" as St. Paul says. Frequent Mass and the sacraments - especially confession. And use sacramentals - especially wearing Our Lady's livery: The
Scapular of Mt. Carmel along with the shield of the Miraculous Medal, and keep the very best weapon of the Rosary with you at all times. These are tools, weapons, Our Lady herself has given to her children through the saints. These are not foolish devotions or superstitious."

Mother Mary - Pray for us!

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