Sunday, July 24, 2011

Control Freak?

Article by: Russell Hoyt

There is something about me, I just can’t let things go. I hash, hash, and rehash and I need re-hab. I think its because I am so uncomfortable with anything but exact certainty, which is really hard to obtain when other people aren’t as obsessed with insecurity as I am. Seriously, I’m insecure. I think we all are. The question then is, how can I become self secure? I don’t know what the magic formula is , but here are some hints as much as I can figure myself out.
  1. The more I rely on myself the crazier I get. It is cycle after cycle of talking to myself about the same stupid situation after the people who are involved have moved WAY beyond the entire thing.
  2. The more I rely on God, the clearer things get. Ironically, in land that constantly changes backgrounds, profile pictures, locations, and status updates, God is the only never changing constant in my life; He helps me put into perspective A. My question B. My Opinion C. Others D. His opinion (which should matter the most)
  3. Love comes in many forms sometimes the best love is humble obedience.
  4. Silence brings reflection which leads to conversion. Practice it whenever possible.
  5. People need your silence, not your answers. Silence means your listening. Answers can be misleading when they aren’t sought out.
If you are like me, then you are a control freak and lose it when you can’t be in control. Learn the hard lesson that I learned yesterday. That situation, it’s about you and God, not whatever you think it is about. It’s about God, your Father, teaching you how to rely on Him and Him alone.; trusting Him to take care of you in ways you can only dream of. It’s hard to let go, it’s even harder to let God (I am aware of the cliche and yes it still makes sense). It’s scary. Get over it.

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