Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ladies, Do you truly want to be beautiful!

I struggle with my beauty as a woman.  It's hard to realize what's most important in life. This is why I wanted to share my thoughts on the topic and  this passage from a book I recommend, about true beauty!

"We know that the desire to be beautiful has caused many women untold grief. (How many diets have you been on?) Countless tears have been shed and hearts broken in its pursuit.  Beauty has been extolled and worshipped and kept just out of reach for most of us.  For others, beauty has been shamed, used, and abused. Many women have learned that possessing beauty can be dangerous.  And yet, in spite of all the pain and distress that beauty has caused us as women, our desire for it remains.  And it's not just the desire for an outward beauty, but more, it's a desire to be captivating in the depths of who we are. (Cinderella is beautiful, yes, but she is also good. Her outward beauty would be hollow were it not for the beauty of her HEART"
-Eldredge "Your Captivating Heart

Ladies, the beauty that matters the most is how beautiful our heart and souls our.  In God's eyes, beauty is not defined by stick thin bodies, or the perfect skin.  Yes, these things compliment our beauty but it is NOT beauty.  Beauty defined by God is how we love others.  Having God in our hearts and love for others is what will make us truly beautiful. Christ's light and love will shine through us and out to others. Do you ever look at Mother Teresa and just think, wow, she is so beautiful and so loving!  How can someone have so many wrinkles and be so beautiful.  This is because Christ's love makes her just radiant.  She knew and loved God, and knew what truly mattered in life.
Bishop Fulton Sheen always said, "The beauty of the soul is reflected on the face."

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