Friday, August 6, 2010

Let go and Let God!

"How many young  people, for example, hesitate to give their lives entirely to God because they do not have confidence that God is capable of making them completely happy.  And they seek to asure their own happiness by themselves and then make themselves sad and unhappy in the process. This is precisely the great victory of the Father of Lies,(satan): succeeding in putting into the heart of a child of God distrust vis-a-vis his Father!"
-From the beautiful words of Father Jacques Philippe

I wanted to write this post about surrendering completely to God, because I know so many, including myself, struggle  with it.   I think we all have to be reminded that God is thee ultimate, perfect and loving Father!  Our Father not only wants what's best for us, He Knows what's best for us.  So why aren't we completely trusting in our beautiful Father?
  It is doubt that the Father can truly take care of us.  It is the lies that are being whispered to you from satan telling you that if you surrender to God, He's going to let something happen that you don't want to happen.  So we tell ourselves that we can only let God in a little bit, and the rest of our lives is up to us to control.

These our words from Christ spoken through the mouth of Saint Catherine of Siena....
My Child,

"Why don't you have confidence in me, your creator?  Why do you rely on yourself? Am I not faithful and loyal to you? Redeemed and restored to grace by virture of the blood of my only Son, man can then say that he has experience my fidelity. And, nevetheless, he doubts it, it woul appear, that I am sufficiently powerful to help him, sufficiently strong to help and defend him against his enemies, sufficiently wise to illuminate the eyes of his intelligence or that I have sufficient clemency to want to give him whatever is necessary for his slavation.  It woulb appear that I am not sufficiently rich to make his fortune, not beautiful enough to make him beautiful; one might say taht he is afraid not to find enough bread in my home to nourish himself, nor clothing with which to cover himself.

So I think it's time to get know our Father a little more.  Know that you CAN trust Him with everything.  I think it's all time we Let go and let God!

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